
Julia Perez's trial, Judge Prepare Special Schedule

Hakim Sidang Julia Perez Siapkan Jadwal Khusus

Jesayas Tarin, as Chairman of the Panel of Judges hearing cases of mistreatment by defendants Julia Perez will give a special schedule in cases involving these two celebrities. Because it feared there would be many visitors who can influence the other trial.

"Because the defendant is famous enough to see then we will prepare a special schedule for the trial, for fear of inhibiting the trial, any trial must be complied with, at its next session we will discuss issues in particular schedule," said Tarik Jesayas in court on Tuesday (26/04/2011 )

Meanwhile, Jupiter is not much to say and leave it to his lawyer, Henry Yosodiningrat, claimed to be cooperative in undergoing trial. Although busy, they want to maintain that the trial will take place once a week it.

"Yes, I would prioritize this trial. Possible hearing will take once a week, "said Julia Perez.

Problem statement of the judge who will give a special schedule, Henry did not say much. But it believes the trial will take place once a week according to the court's decision.

"Once a week will help judges see the truth of the incident," added Henry.